Kinky Slut Aunt

Kinky Slut Aunt

Kinky Slut Aunt

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Robert in his early twenties. A poet who struggled to live in poverty and always starved. Was dedicated to his art. On the night of the poem, which he attended. Because it was free and the opportunity to be in a warm place. He was approached by a woman in her sixties. She introduced herself, saying she had read some of his work and realised the situation. She is a painter and runs classes for novice female artists. And because he is attractive and quite athletic, whether he will be attractive in doing a nude model. She will pay for it of course. Thinking about the money and food he could buy made him tempted to say yes. He was given the address of her studio and the date.

He arrived early at the studio so he could show him what to expect. They went to the studio, which was very warm and there in the middle of the room. Was a white pedestal surrounded by four horses. Leading him to the base, she said, “If you can undress now. I will fold your clothes and keep them for you.”

She was a pretty attractive woman with gray hair, a hard face but with good eyes. She wore a wool skirt, black knee high boots and a black turtle neck top that emphasized her breasts. Robert continue strip his robe, a little doubtful when he came to his tights. The artist, her eyes fixed on the big bulge said, “Don’t be nervous, dear, I’ve seen one before.”

Feeling more relaxed he slid out of his pants, and she looked impressed. Seeing her admire his flacid penis he began to become semi erect. “Don’t worry to be erect, dear. At some point we need your erection because that will be one of my training classes”. She walked him to the base, gave her a sheet to cover himself and a bench to sit on. And told him that she would help and explain what poses were needed when class began.

The students start walking in. First there was a girl about nineteen years old, wearing glasses and ponytail that looked nerd. Next are two older women of the same age as the teacher, maybe a little younger, in their fifties. The next student was quite surprising to Robert when he recognized her. It was his aunt who made him disliked by his career choices. And had not been seen for more than a year. She was in her early forties, had brunettes and was very attractive.

When they calmed down. The teacher introduced him and said their first exercise was to paint a nude in the standing position. Just to get them all used to the boy’s body contours, they had twenty minutes to complete their sketch.

“And now ladies, the revelations.” She took a step towards Robert. And gently launched his nakedness from under the white cloth. There was the sound of breathing when the women saw him. “Yes, he is quite blessed,” said the teacher. The two older women nodded and agreed, his penis clearly bigger than average.

Robert looked at his aunt. She seemed unable to take her eyes off his manhood when it hung there. Thick and heavy between his legs, he became somewhat erect again which increased the size of his penis. The teacher crosses among the women, and she is happy with their work.

“The next exercise is sensory training. I want you all to come and stand around the model and touch it. You can’t be expected to paint a subject if you don’t know the taste. The muscles, the hair on his body. I want you to get used to every aspect of your subject before we paint next pose.”

His aunt is behind him, her hands feel the ass. At this time his penis was really erect and he could feel the admiring eye all women. He felt his aunt’s hands move from his ass and cup the balls. Squeezing gently at first but then became firmer, his cock throbbed and began to seep white juice.

“Watch how the penis gets wet, don’t ignore the feeling of the penis,” the teacher ordered. Three hands approached his penis, the nerdy girl wrapped the head. Rubbed the juice into his shiny glans and pulled her up. He felt a slight stimulation when his cock was pulled up and his aunt pulled the ball down. And the two older women stroking its shaft. Their fingers flowed along his throbbing veins.

He was hotter and redder than before when his aunt slowly tightened his grip on the ball from behind. He could feel her cruel fingernails digging into his ball sack. Now she squeezed harder on the ball. He could not help himself and he shot sperm in big numbers. Covering the faces of poor girls and blushing with hot cum, “Don’t worry. We’ll clean you.” The women laughed and returned to their seats, leaving Robert slightly humiliated. His aunt gave him a cruel smile.

After the students left, the teacher came in for payment. He took the money naked, thick air with the aroma of cum. “You did very well, Robert, I want to use you again.” She said. “And the students expressed the desire to use you in a personal atmosphere if it would be fine for you?” He agrees and she tells him the date. His aunt became his first appointment the following night. He dressed and hoped to enjoy his first hot meal for a long time.

Robert arrives at his aunt’s house. She lives alone in the lush suburbs of London. Opening the door and with the cold look shown to enter. He followed her into the living room, “Do you need to drink?” she said harshly, “No thanks, auntie,” he answered. “At least you try to make a living.” She is still mad at him. And hasn’t forgotten their argument about money a year ago.

“Now. Open your shirt.”
He did not see any painting material in the room. “I’m studying Saint Sebastian, he’s tied naked in a tree. And shot with an arrow if you don’t know. So I want you to tie your hands over your head.”

She pointed to the closed door of the living room where a rope hung from the hook above him. “Stand there.” She proceeded to tie his wrists tightly around the rope. Roughly holding it she looked down as his penis hung and bobbed around, she smiled.

All in black she wore black knee-high leather boots. Black stockings, ankle length skirts and tight black tops. Which she removed to reveal her bare breasts. She cupped them and began stroking herself, “You like that don’t you? You’re a bad kid. I’m sure you want to see this?” she pointed between his legs.

Looking his unbelievably attractive breasts from his aunt caused him have huge erections. She took off her skirt and now stood before him with only knee-high leather boots. Stockings, and black see-through panties, her thick, brown hair caused a bump. “Yes, I can tell you like, dirty boy,” she pointed to his prick. “You evil beast. Hard over your own aunt!”

Slowly approaching him. She grabbed his hip bone and gently lifted his knee to touch the ball. She stared at his face in disgust. Spat on him then slammed his nylon-covered knee into his testes. He screamed and she laughed. “You must be punished, you wicked child.”

Turning him around so that he was now facing the door. She took a leather whip from the drawer and began to roughly whip his1 back and ass. He screamed in pain, “NO! Please, not auntie!”

She stepped toward him, thrusting her hand between his ass and reaching for the ball. Squeezing as hard as she could, “Shut up, you will get your money.”

Turn his back to face her. She was now holding the hairbrush, she was holding his erect penis and cruelly pulled back his foreskin. He thought she would tear his skin, he cried. Tears running down his face. “Aww, poor boy,” she then brushed the brush all over the open gland, he stretched in absolute pain. His cock was raw red but still raging, hard and upright. Now she slapped him. One hand wrapped around his throat, she choked him and gave a hard knee to the ball.

He is crying now. She expertly untied his wrist and he fell to the floor. And she spat on it and kicked the balls hanging under his ass. “You are a worthless nephew.” Pulling his arm, she laid him on his back and stood on it. Pulling her underwear to the side and pee all over his body. His golden urine splashed into his face and chest. And he could feel the dribbling of his aching cock.

Pulling his hair to the side, she lowered his body and forced him to urinate into his mouth. He sat on it, grinding it, “Lick my cunt, you useless boy”. He did as he was told, trembling and frightened. Almost choking as she pissed and cum drenched his hair and face. Leaning and holding his cock she pulled it hard, he thought she would pull it off. And he screams but drowned by her wet pussy that covered his face.

She scratched like a witch on his penis with her fingernails. His cock now aching and soft. Shifting her position to position 69 she continued to grind and slam her cunt and ass into his face. Then she took his sore red cock in her mouth. And the ecstasy he felt when her warm mouth. Eased the pain of the sore cock. With her cum bursts, she then jumps into his aching cock and rides like a crazy cowgirl.

When she had dried each drop of cum out of the ball with her strong cunt muscles. She ordered him to take a shower. He returned down with a shy look, still feeling pain between his legs. His aunt, who is now dressed, said, “I will not have my nephew living in a hut. You will come and live here with me. You will have your own room and I will pay you an allowance that will keep you in good manners. But, whenever I or my friends want to use you, you will obey. Agree?”

He felt nervous and even a little scared, but agreed, “Yes, Auntie.”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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